
The Strange Name Movie

  • The Trange Name movie2
  • The Trange Name movie3

Session 5 - Thursday April 12 - 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Kendall Square Cinema 
One Kendall Square, 355 Binney Street Cambridge, MA 02139

Harold Schmuck. Jeanine Cobbledick. Donald Trump. Gui Fuck. Donald Duck. These are just a few of the subjects of The Strange Name Movie, a documentary about people living with attention-getting names. We've all known the kid who lived in fear of morning roll call at school. The teenage girl assailed by cruel nicknames and rude limericks. The man who dreads giving his name to the maître d' at a restaurant. We've gathered them together to share their stories—the funny, the tragic, and everything in between.

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